Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Features and Apps Roundup: April 2011

First off, its great to see that development for amoebaOS has been progressing greatly these past couple weeks. Many people have been given beta codes and the user base is also slowly growing stronger. If you want a beta code but haven't gotten one, head over to the forum, introduce yourself, and you'll gladly be given a beta code. But anyway, here's the features, fixes and apps for amoebaOS this month.

Startup Sounds
amoebaOS contributor tonynoname has created an application to give startup sounds to amoebaOS. This is not included in amoebaOS by default for the time being, so you can just follow his tutorial over at the forum for instructions to enable startup sounds:

If you don't feel like reading the post, you can just add this app to your startup items:
And a video tutorial made by developIT to do that is here:

App Center
Officially released by still in development is the App Center, also created by tonynoname. This is a great source to find apps for amoebaOS of all different categories. The official forum post is here:
You can find the app in tonynoname's community folder under "App Center".

Updates to System Preferences & Menubar 
Many new updates have been added to System Preferences and Menubar. Menubar will now show your username, and if either the time or your username is clicked, then you will be taken to that panel in System Preferences. The clock panel in System Preferences will now show the full date and time and the wallpaper panel has been fixed up. Full forum post and screenshots can be found at the official forum post:

Other Features & Fixes
Other fixes in amoebaOS include:
     - Developers can now add their own panels to System Preferences for their apps, making custom app settings a lot easier. Instructions for this will be posted on the forum soon.
     - The full screen bug has been fixed. Resizing your browser window while running an invisible full screen app like Widgeted will no longer crash amoebaOS.
     -amoebaOS will now use much less memory due to cleaning up of certain classes.